Founded: 1982

Owner: Diana L. Owens


Areas of expertise: 
Human Services, Consulting, Education, At-Risk Youth Programs, Drug Testing

Company Profile

Ten years ago, children would have been taken from their homes in times of crisis. But today, families can remain intact because of a social-service movement that offers an alternative to traditional removal of children. Crisis Intervention/Family preservation defuses crises within the family by building upon the strong motivations and incentives of love and bonding.

It is an immediate response to a crisis and an important alternative available to social service providers. Children can remain safely in the home, while a skilled professional assists the family in defusing the situation that initially brought them to a crisis. The key to this strategy, is an intense marathon of services, which concentrate on the behavior and circumstances that have lead up to this point.

The primary goal of Crisis Intervention/Family Preservation is to remove the risks by empowering the family. A significant component of crisis intervention/family-preservation is its formal commitment to goals. Because each family situation is quite different, services are tailored to the individual. A plan is then developed and monitored continually throughout the crisis period. As the family meets its goals, the professional decreases it's intense supervision. The crisis assistance can be as vital to a family as providing bare necessities. With crisis intervention/family preservation, success is declared when a child remains safely in the home, and progress is made towards meeting the initial goals of stabilizing the crisis.

The cost of family preservation/crisis intervention, is far below that of placing a child in out-of-home care. Likewise, the emotional impact on the child(ren) is greatly reduced when family preservation/crisis intervention can be utilized. It is a whole new way of working with families. 

Our Company's History 

Owens & Associates, Inc. was founded in 1982 as a Human Resource Consulting firm.  Due to the numerous needs of employees within these companies consulted, it became apparent that a new segment of services needed to be established.  Therefore, in 1986 the firm developed a division which specifically dealt with the needs of the employees and their families. Today, our firm continues to provide services to families in need in Nebraska and in Iowa as well.  

Owens & Associates is a multi-faceted organization that forms partnerships to meet the needs of the customers we serve.  We accomplish this by providing Human Resources, Human Services, and Educational  opportunities.  We are constantly developing and administering new programs and services that empowers our customers to achieve and sustain success.


Human Services

Where We Started